You know, it may really seem hard to believe considering all the filth thats made it on T.I.O.T, but i really did start this site as a sports blog and i've realized i really ought to be paying more attention to the chicks in sport today and who better to start with Maria Sharapova, tennis's finest sexport. Tennis, aside from volleyball and netball is probably the one sport which you can always count on to keep churning up the finest chicks in sport. I really ought to work on a post on the finest chicks in sport.
Now back to Sharapova and Sports Illustrated, i'm led to believe she's probably one of the few sporting beauties that've actually made the covers of Sports Illustrated. Aside from Kournikova, i'm not sure if i remember if anyone else even came close. I'm not sure if this is a sentiment shared with you guys but im getting so sick and tired of the silicone infested chicks with tits the size of India splashed in our faces in every friggin magazine/website. It might have been hot in the 90's but it sure as hell aint hot no more. Ahh fuck that, lets just focus on how fyne Sharapova is.
She may not be the curviest chick out there, but she sure has this look about her thats just oh so appealing yet seductive. Hmm its of little wonder she makes all the guys stare.
Especially with her treating us to such views on court. Heh.
You would think that anyone who'se hitting that ass would be hanging on to it for dear life but no its been rumoured that Andy Roddick gave that ass up. What a fuckin idiot.
Now this just gets better, you'd never be able to guess whom Roddick gave Sharapova up for. Paris fuckin Hilton! Roddick's gotta be the biggest moron alive right now to give Sharapova up to AIDS! I hope federer keeps fucking his chances of winning another grand slam up! Lets end this rant on a happy note, shall we. Here's a link to the rest of the Sharapova images from her Sports Illustrated shoot.
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